Taking on a spooky 25km walk for Mind!

Avove People Partner, Emma Johnson, has taken on a 25km Halloween walk in aid of of our company charity partner, Mind.

Emma walked the route in Halloween fancy dress, deep in the depths of the Oval Cricket Ground, in London, on Saturday 28 October 2023. The route went along the Thames and looped through the heart of the capital, taking in the highlights of London’s landmarks, some horror hot spots and a few ‘nasty’ neighbourhoods!

I have been on a journey with my mental health and wellbeing and have suffered with anxiety which hit me out of the blue. My support network really helped me during this time. I opened up about how I was feeling and talked to some trained professionals to get some guidance and advice, this helped me to change how I thought about everything.

It wasn’t an overnight fix and took a couple of months before I started to feel like me again. I took each day as it came and spent most of my weekends out hiking. For me, being out in nature is one of the most wonderful things. I also learnt not to put too much pressure on myself to be perfect at everything – whether that is at work or at home.

As well as walking, I also enjoy yoga and meditating every day. Now, when I start to feel anxious over anything – I make sure I put my walking shoes on to get out in the fresh air and also talk to someone about how I’m feeling – this has made a massive difference in how I cope and manage with my anxiety.

It is charities like Mind who can change people’s lives and to be able to help them to do that by doing a challenge to raise money is my way of saying thank you.”

Avove People Partner, Emma Johnson

We are thrilled that Emma has taken on this challenge to support Mind and that she has also smashed her fundraising target. As part of our matched charity funding scheme, we are delighted to be adding to her overall total and helping her to raise an amazing £560.

Dealing with mental health and wellbeing is a priority for us, and earlier this year we signed The Mental Health at Work Commitment to cement our pledge to making a difference in the workplace and to support the mental health of our colleagues.

Well done, Emma!

Mind helps one in four people in England and Wales who experience a mental health problem every year. The money raised will fund the charity’s vital work including the Mind Infoline and advice services, as well as the campaigning Mind does across the UK.

​​​​​​​Mind has a confidential information and support line, available at 0300 1233393.